Louisette will seem rather rambunctious and will dash around after her toys, making her one fine companion for anyone that would like participating in her play. When younger she, and her twin brother, were the main explorers out of their siblings. Now that they've settled in she still has an excess of energy bundled into her small, in comparison against her siblings, form. Although the smallest among the 4 she'll seem the most opinionated about 'her possessions', about 'her toys.
If she's not ready she'll hang onto her toy with seemingly iron jaws, however, if her string toy wiggles around enough she'll let go in preparation for more chasing. If any other cat comes too near her toy, or her food, she will growl toward them, seeming unwilling to share. Despite that she's never clawed or lashed out toward any human, nor seriously lashed out toward her siblings. Which again shows she'll be a fine companion for play-time.
She, like her siblings, have been indoors since November 2013. We've treated them with natural medicine for immune boosting, digestion balancing and fed them raw chicken/pork/etc bought from Kroger/Jungle Jims. They get small amounts of canned Pet Pride/kibble as topping for their meal. Meaning they're getting as close to their natural diet as we can manage. But we use flea/worm meds that we get from the vet and also keep their teeth brushed every-so-often.